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Labor Demand in Texas

A Texas lawsuit usually stems from a dispute between an employer and an employee. However, employees’ rights in Texas are protected by the Texas Labor Code, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and other codes and laws in the region that also protect workers.

This could come up in different ways, either:

  • Harassment or discrimination.
  • Dispute over wages.
  • Payment of overtime.
  • Hostile workplace.
  • Family and medical leave.
  • Work contracts.
  • Unwarranted reprisals or dismissal, among others.

The types of monetary damages he receives in a labor claim would depend to a large extent on the legal basis of the lawsuit and the specific facts and circumstances of the case.

Employers in Texas are bound by federal and state laws to protect the rights of their employees. There are a number of laws and acts that protect the rights of Texas employees, including the Texas Labor Code, the Texas Payment Day Act (Chapter 61 of the Texas Labor Code) and the Texas Minimum Wage Act (Chapter 62 of the Texas Labor Code) . Federal laws protecting employees include the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).

Types of job claims

Sexual Harassment

Specifically in the world of work, sexual harassment is defined as “harassing others to obtain favors of a sexual nature.” It is one of the most common types of job demands. It could be an insult with a sexual connotation, a lascivious joke, humiliating or obscene words, as well as a verbal threat, unjustified disciplinary sanctions or an inappropriate gesture, including any touch, kissing, slapping, pinch-or-dear unwanted rape.

Hostile workplace

Harassment does not necessarily have to be sexual in nature, but verbal harassment also becomes uncomfortable, for example, employees can be mistreated on the basis of popularity, race, religion, gender and several other reasons. All of which can contribute to an unhealthy working environment.

Unjust termination

If you are not protected by an employment contract, your employer may dismiss you at any time without being an unjustified dismissal. However, if he was sacked for any of the following reasons, he may be able to file a wrongful dismissal suit. Pregnancy, reprisals, discrimination, disability or family/medical leave are all illegal grounds for termination.


Discrimination in the workplace on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, age, pregnancy, height, weight, disability and genetics is illegal. As a result, if you treat you unfairly or dismiss you for any of these reasons, you can file a claim against your employer.

Extra hours unpaid

In Texas, employers are required to pay their employees once and a half the regular pay rate of a worker for all hours over 40 hours each working week. Even some salaried employees, commissioners or other employees who do not work for hours may be owed overtime.

Violations of wages and hours

Examples include whether he worked hours for which he was not paid, or if asked to run errands or complete tasks outside working hours. You may have been deducted hours from your time card or misclassified as extra-time-free.


Dam is a broad term that includes adverse action against an employee after the employee has filed a complaint. That is, it is a type of punishment that the employer issues against the employee for exercising his rights. But this is illegal. Employers will often degrade, deny benefits or fire employees to get this retaliation.

Family and medical leave violations

Unfortunately, no one plans them, but medical and family emergencies occur. Employers can try to force their employees not to miss work during a family emergency or even threaten to fire them for missing work. However, employees are protected under the Family and Medical Absence Act (FMLA) to have unpaid and protected leave at work in certain medical circumstances. These may include the birth of a child, being sick or injured, or having to care for a sick or injured loved one. If he was fired for trying to take FMLA, he may have reason for an unjustified dismissal case.

What do I need to file a labor lawsuit?

For a legal process, it is very important to have evidence of support for all the claims you want to make, if you don’t have some support, it’s possible that someone else can back up your statements.

It’s important to know if the company you’re working with has a history of treating employees this way, or if your boss is one of those people who doesn’t humanize or puts in other people’s shoes. Look for emails or other files that demonstrate the actions you’re suing for.

If you’re not sure about that, then it’s best to talk to a labor lawyer. An investigation by an office may be able to find the evidence it needs to present a solid case.

To exemplify a little, in the case of a complaint or complaint for distamination, you must comply with a number of jurisdictional requirements published by the Texas Labor Force Commission, so that your request can proceed to government agencies, including:

  • The physical direction he worked on should be within the state of Texas.
  • The company must have 15 or more employees.
  • The date of discrimination must have occurred within the last 180 days from the date you are filing the complaint.
  • Their claim of discrimination should specify one or more of the following types: race, colour, national origin, religion, sex, age or disability.
  • Your complaint should identify labor damage such as degradation, denial of promotion or termination.

It is important to note that when you file a complaint of labor discrimination with the Civil Rights Division, it automatically passes to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) through the Working Comparison Agreement and cannot be handed over to the Civil Rights Division and EEOC.

In the case of a claim for wage violations, you can file a complaint with the Texas Employment Commission. The institution has published the form on its website to file a wage claim.

How long should we wait to make a labor demand?

Remember that deadlines for filing complaints or lawsuits can be short, so employees who are illegally fired or discriminated against may file a lawsuit within 180 days of having suffered the incident to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Texas Labor Force Commission or the National Labor Relations Board.

Federal employees must report discrimination before the employer’s equal employment opportunity counsel within 45 days of being discriminated against.

Where can I make a demand for work?

There are government bodies where you can go to file a lawsuit for work, including: the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Texas Labor Force Commission or the National Labor Relations Board.

But if you’re dissatisfied with the outcome of the complaints process by government agencies, you can ask a court to review your case or you can contact us for more information on how we can help.


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